Beautiful congo river

Beautiful congo river

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Saturday, April 10, 2010

Giving ALL

One of the biggest things the Lord has taught me since i have been in Congo, is the truth that all that I have is His. It started when things from my house started coming up missing, or someone would walk through the yard and take a mango or papaya off the trees, or walk through the garden and take some tomatoes. When we would go to someones house and be offered a drink and when they brought it I would notice....this is my cup! This all started to bother me so much that i would start watching everyone that came over, to make sure they didn't take anything. The way the culture is here in Congo, is if you have more than one of something then you should be willing to share. Anyway, it started to bother me so much that I started to pray and ask the Lord how to deal with it. Then the Lord brought the thought to mind, "where did you get the things you have? Did someone buy them for you? Did church members sacrifice their money so you could get them?" This thought struck deep in my heart. All that I have is given to me from the Lord. Whether he used humans to give it to me or just allowed our trees to bloom and give us fruit. It was all given to me from the Lord. So that day i decided to give all that I have to Him, and if He wants to bless someone else with something that I have, I try my best to smile and say thanks for blessing someone through me. It still can be a pain sometimes to go for something and realize that its no longer where I had left it, to later see it in someone else's house. But i have to remind myself that It was not mine in the first place. I think sometimes in life we hold on to "things" so tightly that we don't see other peoples needs.