Beautiful congo river

Beautiful congo river

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Saturday, April 10, 2010

favorite congo recipies!


So I made this recipe and the guys have gone nuts over it so I figured
would post it so you can try it!

1lb. ground beef

2 cans kidney beans
2 cans corn
2 cans whole tomato
1 packet of salsa mix
1 cup of mayonnaise
salt to taste


brown the beef
and add the rest of the ingredients in a large pan.
Great over rice or noodles :)
enjoy it and comment if you liked it!

1lb. ground beef
2 cans kidney beans
2 cans tomato
1 can tomato paste
1/2 pound cooked noodles
1 packet lipton onion soup mix
1 package shredded cheddar cheese
brown beef add the rest of the ingredients, cheese last :) enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. mmmmmmm sounds good looks like i need to tell Nancy about this (ummm Nancy Im hungry babe) lol
